Saturday, February 15, 2014

a few awesome things...


we finally got some much needed rain recently, which will hopefully make some sort of dent in the drought situation.  it really poured for a few days and it was such a lovely respite from the weeks of dry weather.  it looks like it wants to rain again today but it's not in the forecast, so i think that it's just one of those gray kind of days...where you just feel like lazing around the house...which pretty much describes what i've been up to.

a few links...

~ i'm a big fan of the gorgeous taylor tomasi hill's personal style and now she's starting a floral design company.  if her outfit styling skills are any indication, i'm expecting beautifully styled arrangements (she has a few glimpses on instagram). 

~ so, since it seems like it's going to be one of those stay-in kind of weekends, perhaps i'll spend some time going through new york time's T magazine (the spring women's fashion issue).

~ OR, maybe i could watch the stevie nick's documentary, in your dreams, that's recently out on dvd.  i find stevie totally fascinating.

~ and speaking of things that i want to see, i CANNOT wait for the new wes anderson film the grand budapest hotel to come out!  his movies are always such a colorful and stylish visual feast.

wishing you a happy (lazy) saturday.

xo, c

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